Seed Subscription: Flower, Tropical Climate, Winter 2024


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Seed Subscription: Flower, Tropical Climate, Winter 2024

Subscriptions are an excellent way to explore new seed varieties without having to spend time choosing the seeds yourself, and are perfect for busy gardeners, delivering seeds and all the information you need to plant them directly to your letterbox. 

Each season we’ll choose a selection of seed varieties tailored to your climate, and send you the seeds plus a colour information sheet with photos, tips and sowing information - all you need to do is plant!

You are currently viewing a single season of seeds which can be purchased individually. To subscribe to a years worth of seeds click here.

Seeds included in this subscription:

  • Brachyscome- Mixed Splendour

    Annual plant growing to 25cm with grey/green foliage and single flowers in blue, pink, white. Ideal for borders, rockeries, edging, or containers. Native to Western and South Australia.

    Sow direct or raise seedlings, 3mm. Germination 14-21 days @ 18-21°C.Annual. Height 25cm, Spacing 20cm. 120 days.

    Best months in Tropical Climates: MAY JUN JUL AUG (Click for full sowing chart, grow guide and more)

  • Salvia- White Victory

    A tender perennial growing to 50cm. Long-lasting flower spikes covered in pure white flowers from summer to autumn. Attracts bees and other pollinators. Grow in full sun or part shade in containers or mass plant in drifts in the garden.

    Raise seedlings, 4mm. Germination 10-14 days @ 22-24°C.Perennial (grown as an annual in cool climates). Height 50cm, Spacing 30cm. 90-120 days.

    Best months in Tropical Climates: FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV (Click for full sowing chart, grow guide and more)

  • Linaria- Fairy Bouquet Mixed

    Annual. Dwarf variety growing to 30cm. Small dainty flowers in a range of colour including yellow, rose, salmon, orange, and cream. Good for edging, beds, rockeries and as a cut flower.

    Sow direct, 5mm. Germination 14-21 days @ 20-30°C.Annual. Height 30cm, Spacing 15cm. 70 days.

    Best months in Tropical Climates: FEB MAR APR MAY JUN (Click for full sowing chart, grow guide and more)

  • Nasturtium- Peach Melba

    Dwarf annual, 30cm max. Compact with round green leaves, semi-double cream-yellow flowers with peach-red spots. Ideal for beds, borders, mass planting, containers, hanging baskets. Edible leaves/flowers. Fast, easy to grow, drought tolerant.

    Sow direct or raise seedlings, 15mm. Germination 7-14 days @ 16-20°C.Annual. Height 30cm, Spacing 25cm. 70-80 days.

    Best months in Tropical Climates: FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP (Click for full sowing chart, grow guide and more)

  • Forget Me Not, Chinese- Firmament Indigo Blue

    Annual growing to 40cm. Compact bushy plant with hairy grey/green leaves and small deep blue flowers. Good for borders and as a cut flower. Also known as 'Hounds Tongue'.

    Sow direct, 8mm. Germination 5-8 days @ 18-21°C.Annual. Height 40cm, Spacing 30cm. 75-85 days.

    Best months in Tropical Climates: FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV (Click for full sowing chart, grow guide and more)

  • Tussock Bellflower- Blue

    Perennial up to 25cm. Clump-forming with green ovate leaves, small violet/blue bell-like flowers. Ideal for edges, borders, rockeries, ground cover, or containers. Also known as Carpathian Bellflower or Harebell.

    Raise seedlings or sow direct, 3mm. Germination 14-21 days @ 18-22°C.Perennial. Height 25cm, Spacing 30cm. 160 days (in cooler climates plants may not flower in the first year).

    Best months in Tropical Climates: MAR APR MAY JUN JUL (Click for full sowing chart, grow guide and more)

  • Chrysanthemum- Pure White

    Annual growing to 25cm. Bushy plants with spoon shaped green/grey leaves producing small white flowers with yellow centre's. Good for borders, rock gardens and as a cut flower. Though incorrectly sometimes referred to as a Shasta Daisy.

    Sow direct, 4mm. Germination 14-21 days @ 20-22°C.Annual. Height 25cm, Spacing 20cm. 365 days.

    Best months in Tropical Climates: APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT (Click for full sowing chart, grow guide and more)

  • Petunia- Superbissima Alba

    Annual up to 30cm. Ornamental white to pale mauve flowers with dark purple veined throats. Superbissima petunias have large, deeply ruffled flowers up to 15cm. Spreading habit, light sweet scent. Ideal for mass planting, beds, borders, containers.

    Raise seedlings, 3mm. Germination 5-15 days @ 21-28°C.Annual. Height 40cm, Spacing 30cm. 80-100 days.

    Best months in Tropical Climates: MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP (Click for full sowing chart, grow guide and more)

  • Four O'Clocks- Salmon Sunset

    Perennial bushy plant with large green leaves and fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers in salmon pink to orange. Suited for borders and large containers. Flowers open in the evening or on cloudy days, attractive to moths. Tolerates hot conditions and drought.

    Sow direct or raise seedlings, 20mm. Germination 7-14 days @ 20-22°C.Perennial. Height 60cm, Spacing 50cm. 75-85 days.

    Best months in Tropical Climates: MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP (Click for full sowing chart, grow guide and more)

  • Cornflower- Classic Artistic

    Annual growing to 100cm with an upright habit and long grey-green leaves. A mix of the three 'Classic' series cornflowers, with bicoloured blue, mauve and pink flowers. Attracts beneficial insects. Drought tolerant and easy to grow.

    Sow direct or raise seedlings, 5mm. Germination 7-14 days @ 15-18 °C.Annual. Height 100cm, Spacing 20cm. 70 days.

    Best months in Tropical Climates: APR MAY JUN (Click for full sowing chart, grow guide and more)

Tips for gardening in winter:

Weeding and tidying: Rain helps weed seeds germinate and it is easier to remove them when the soil is damp. Be sure to remove weeds before they get a chance to mature and set seed, and ensure you get the weeds out roots and all. Hand tools are useful for small areas and hoes or tillers make the job go faster in larger gardens. Rake up fallen leaves so they don’t form a compact layer which can stop water reaching the soil. Add these extra leaves to your compost heap. Clear out any dead or diseased plants and to prevent the spread of disease, place this plant material in the bin rather than the compost bin.

Pruning: Check your tools. Cleaning and sharpening your secateurs and pruning saws makes the job much easier, and a clean cut means there is less chance for disease to enter ragged wounds. It is easier to prune deciduous trees and shrubs in winter because you can see the structure of the plant more clearly. Remove any dead wood, and take out crossing branches or stems that might rub against each other. 

Watering: You may not need to water your plants as frequently in winter, but make sure your plants are still getting enough. If required, give them a deep soak once a week early in the day so that excess moisture can evaporate before nightfall and avoid the risk of fungal diseases.

Plot and plan: Use some of the down time in winter to review your garden and think about what you’d like to plant in the coming seasons. If you’re growing annuals, do you want to plant the same again, or try some new varieties or colour schemes? If you’re growing veggies, remember that crop rotation is a good idea to break the cycle or build-up of any pests and diseases that may be in the soil. This has the added benefit of reducing, or even eliminating, the need to spray with chemicals.

Pests and diseases to look out for in winter:

Slugs and snails: These pests can damage a wide range of plants, especially flower and vegetable seedlings. They are most active in the cooler wetter months, or when thunderstorms activate them in summer, and come out at night to feed. Controlling weeds and removing places that can harbour slugs and snails can be an effective way to control and reduce the number of these pests. If you choose to use bait, it is best applied in Autumn before snails get a chance to lay eggs. Most baits can be toxic to pets and other wildlife, so use any bait with caution.

Fungal diseases: A range of fungal diseases can occur in winter. You can prevent these from taking hold by practising good hygiene. Pick up any fallen and rotting fruit and put it into the rubbish, as it can cause disease which carries over into the following year’s crop.

Product code: SS_FLOW_TROP_WIN_2024


  • 1 x Brachyscome- Mixed Splendour (Brachyscome iberidifolia)

    Annual growing to 25cm. Grey/green foliage with dainty single flowers in a mix of blue, pink and white. It has a spreading habit making it ideal for borders, rockeries and edging. Can be grown in containers. Australian native; indigenous to Western and South Australia.

    Life Cycle: Half hardy Annual
    Plant Height: 25cm
    Position: Full sun, well drained soil

  • 1 x Salvia- White Victory (Salvia farinacea)

    A tender perennial growing to 50cm. Long-lasting flower spikes covered in pure white flowers from summer to autumn. Attracts bees and other pollinators. Grow in full sun or part shade in containers or mass plant in drifts in the garden.

    Life Cycle: Half hardy Perennial (grown as an annual in cool climates)
    Plant Height: 50cm
    Position: Full or part sun, moist well drained soil

  • 1 x Linaria- Fairy Bouquet Mixed (Linaria maroccana)

    Annual. Dwarf variety growing to 30cm. Small dainty flowers in a range of colour including yellow, rose, salmon, orange, and cream. Good for edging, beds, rockeries and as a cut flower.

    Life Cycle: Hardy Annual
    Plant Height: 30cm
    Position: Full sun, well drained soil

  • 1 x Nasturtium- Peach Melba (Tropaeolum majus)

    Annual to 30cm. Dwarf variety with a compact growth habit. Plants have round green leaves and semi-double cream to pale yellow flowers marked with peach to red spots towards the centre. Good for beds, borders, mass planting as a groundcover, containers and hanging baskets. Leaves and flowers are edible. Fast and easy to grow, drought tolerant once established.

    Life Cycle: Frost tender Annual
    Plant Height: 30cm
    Position: Full sun, moist well drained soil

  • 1 x Forget Me Not, Chinese- Firmament Indigo Blue (Cynoglossum amabile)

    Annual growing to 40cm. Compact bushy plant with hairy grey/green leaves and small deep blue flowers. Good for borders and as a cut flower. Also known as 'Hounds Tongue'.

    Life Cycle: Hardy Annual
    Plant Height: 40cm
    Position: Part or full sun, moist well drained soil

  • 1 x Tussock Bellflower- Blue (Campanula carpatica)

    Perennial growing to 25cm. Plants have a clump forming habit with green ovate leaves producing small violet/blue bell-like flowers. Good for edges, border. rockeries and as a ground cover. Can be grown in containers. Also known a. Carpathian Bellflower, Carpathian Harebell and American Harebell.

    Life Cycle: Hardy Perennial
    Plant Height: 25cm
    Position: Part or full sun, moist well drained soil

  • 1 x Chrysanthemum- Pure White (Leucanthemum paludosum)

    Annual growing to 25cm. Bushy plants with spoon shaped green/grey leaves producing small white flowers with yellow centres. Good for borders, rock gardens and as a cut flower. Though incorrect sometimes referred to as a Shasta Daisy.

    Life Cycle: Half hardy Annual
    Plant Height: 25cm
    Position: Part or full sun, moist well drained soil

  • 1 x Petunia- Superbissima Alba (Petunia x hybrida)

    Annual to 30cm. The highly ornamental white to pale mauve flowers have dark purple viened throats. 

    The Superbissima range of compact petunias feature large deeply ruffled and frilled flowers measuring up to 15cm across. Plants have a spreading habit and the flowers have a light, sweet scent. Suited to mass planting, beds, borders and containers. Plants grow and flower best in a sheltered position.

    Life Cycle: Half hardy Annual
    Plant Height: 40cm
    Position: Full sun, moist well drained soil

  • 1 x Four O'Clocks- Salmon Sunset (Mirabilis jalapa)

    Perennial to 60cm forming a rounded bushy plant with large green leaves. The fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers are salmon pink to orange, slightly marbled, and have a tropical appearance. Suited to borders and large containers.

    Four O'Clocks are frost tender perennials, often grown as annuals in cool climates. The flowers open in the evening or on cloudy days, have an orange blossom fragrance and are attractive to moths. Native to Mexico, plants tolerate hot conditions and drought. Also known as 'Marvel of Peru' and 'Belle de Nuit'.

    Life Cycle: Frost tender Perennial
    Plant Height: 60cm
    Position: Full sun, moist well drained soil

  • 1 x Cornflower- Classic Artistic (Centaurea cyanus)

    Annual growing to 100cm with an upright habit and long grey-green leaves. A mix of the three 'Classic' series cornflowers, with bicoloured blue, mauve and pink flowers. Attracts beneficial insects. Drought tolerant and easy to grow.

    An excellent cut or dried flower, the flowers are also edible; the three colours together make attractive cut flower arrangements or a dried petal mix for garnishes. Also suited to meadow planting and beds and borders in cottage gardens. Also known as 'Bachelors Button' and 'Basket Flower'.

    Life Cycle: Hardy Annual
    Plant Height: 100cm
    Position: Full sun, well drained moist soil


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Shipping cost is calculated using all the items in your shopping cart and your delivery postcode. The table below outlines the delivery options and costs.

Order dispatch time is currently 1-3 business days plus delivery time.
Please note we are unable to guarantee specific delivery dates or delivery timeframes, all delivery times are estimates only.


Order contains: Delivery options: Delivery cost per order
Small seed packets ONLY - Economy Delivery $3.00 or FREE on orders over $25 $5
Parcel Delivery Capped rate of $8.99
Express Delivery $15.00

BULK seed, garden supplies, tools, or accessories -

Parcel Delivery

Capped rate of $8.99

Express Delivery

Starting from $15.00
(Calculated by weight)
Live Plants - Live plants Capped rate of $10.00

*All orders sent to Western Australia are subject to mandatory inspection and fees by Quarantine WA. These fees are included in all shipping costs above.

**We will replace all orders that are lost or damaged in transit however we will not replace or refund orders simply because they were delivered later than estimated. Full details here.


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